- A method for forming a risk group for the development of allergopathology in preschool children living in the territory with a high content of manganese and nickel. O. Yu. Ustinova, S. L. Valina, I. E. Shtina, K. P. Luzhetsky, O. A. Maklakova, D. A. Eisfeld, V. G. Makarova
- Method for assessing the state of the surface of particles based on their planar image. Zemlyanova M. A., Ignatova A.M., Stepankov M. S., Koldibekova Yu. V.
- Method for measuring mass concentrations of niobium and tantalum in the air of the working area by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. Ulanova T. S., Zaitseva N. V., Stenno E. V., Weikhman G. A., Nedoshitova A.V., Volkova M. V.
- Agent for treating local allergic exudative-inflammatory and infiltrative-inflammatory skin processes. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Dr Alfiya I. Aminova, PhD, DS, Dr Alevtina A. Akatova, PhD, DSc, Valina S.L.
- Method for determination of manganese toxicity in children being residents of technogenically-loaded territories. Zajtseva N.V., Zemljanova M.A., Zvezdin V.N., Gorodnova J.V.
- Method for early diagnosis of violation of children adaptation under chemical hazards of environmental factors. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc, Dmitry A. Kiryanov, PhD in Engineering, Vasilij N. Zvezdin, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Professor Oleg V. Dolgikh, PhD, DSc
- Method of blood dichlorobromomethane measurement. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Nurislamova T.V., Popova N. A.
- Method of quantitative evaluation of blood acetic, propionic, isobutyric, valeric, isocapronic and capronic acids by gas chromatography analysis. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Nurislamova T.V., Popova N.A.
- Method of treating ecomodified atopic dermatitis in children being residents of technogenic chemical environments. Zajtseva Nina Vladimirovna (RU), Ustinova Ol'ga Jur'evna (RU), Aminova Al'fija Irshadovna (RU), Akatova Alevtina Anatol'evna (RU), Valina Svetlana L
- Method of quantitative analysis of urine dimethyl terephthalate by liquid chromatography. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Karnazhitskaja T.D., Kislitsina A.V.
- Method of determining integral permissible risk of separate classes and sorts of products for human health. Zajtseva N.V. Maj I.V., Shur P.Z., Trusov P.V., Shevyreva M.P., Goncharuk N.I.
- Method of quantitative determination of manganese, lead and nickel in bile by method of atomic-absorption analysis with atomisation in flame. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Legotkina G.I., Stenno E. V., Bakanina M. A., Shardakova J. V.
- Method of treating chronic gastroduodenitis in children aged 6 and older with chemical contamination of internal biological environments. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Dr Alfiya I. Aminova, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Dr Alevtina A. Akatova, PhD, DSc
- Method of quantitative determination of phthalic acid in blood serum. Zajtseva N.V., Ulanova T.S., Karnazhitskaja T.D., Teploukhova N.V., Kislitsina A.V.
- Method for correcting iodine-deficiency states in population on areas with combined effect of iodine deficiency and environmental chemical factors. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc, Dr Alevtina A. Akatova, PhD, DSc, Tyrykina T.I.
- Method for hygienic diagnostics and evaluation of iodine-deficient states tension at territory with combined impact of ecological factors. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc, Dmitry A. Kiryanov, PhD in Engineering, Tyrykin T.I., Professor Oleg V. Dolgikh, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Ledentsova E.E.
- Method of urine phenol quantitative determination. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Garanin V.P, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Nurislamova T.V., Popova N.A., Renev S.V.
- Method for quantitative determination of vanadium in whole blood. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Plakhova L.V., Suetina G.N. , Stenno E.V.
- Method of estimation of sensitization to chemical compounds. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Oleg V. Dolgikh, PhD, DSc, Tyrykina T.I., Shcherbina S.G.
- Method of evaluating effect of short-term increase of minor concentrations of pollutants in atmospheric air on state of health of population. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc, Dmitry A. Kiryanov, PhD in Engineering
- Method to determine the content of hard metals in whole blood. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc, Plakhova L.V., Suetina G.N., Stenno E.V.
- Noninvasive method for setting diagnosis of sensibilization to chemical compounds. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Oleg V. Dolgikh, PhD, DSc, Tyrykina T.I., Sukhanova T.A., Professor Pavel Z. Shur, PhD, DSc, Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc, Krupina N.V.
- Method for carrying out quantitative blood phenol determination. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Nurislamova T.V., Garanin V.P., Renev S.V., Popova N.A.
- Method for evaluating the sensitization to metals-allergens (variants). Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Oleg V. Dolgikh, PhD, DSc, Tyrykina T.I., Sukhanova T.A., Krupina N.V.
- Method for preventing and treating ecologically-dependent children blood disorder syndrome. Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Korjukina I.P., Tyrykina T.I., Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc , Professor Oleg V. Dolgikh, PhD, DSc, Professor Tatyana S. Ulanova, PhD, DSc