
Young Researchers Council

Young Researchers Council was established in August 2009 at The Federal Center. The first meeting was held on August 16, 2009; the Council adopted its Charter. Koshurnikov D.N., senior scientist researcher of the Department of Sanitary and Hygienic Analysis and Monitoring Systemic Methods, was elected as the Council Chairman. The membership comprises representatives of the Center’s departments with higher education and under 35 years of age.

The main objectives:

  1. To reveal and solve problems that young researchers face at their workplace and in research process.
  2. To encourage scientific discussion by informing young researchers of
  • scientific conferences, seminars, symposiums and other meetings;
  • events organized at the Center;
  • opportunities for publication;
  • training opportunities.
  • To collect, analyze and provide information on funding organizations and programs that offer grants for young researchers.
  • To organize cultural and sports events to build closer relationships within the team of young researchers.
  • To conduct training sessions and workshops aiming to optimize collaboration among young researchers.
  • To encourage dialogue with Russian and international organizations supporting young researchers and institutions of higher education.
  • To support effective communication between young researchers and the administration of the Center.
  • To remunerate and reward the most active researchers.
  • To perform other activities aiming to support youth.
  • To represent the interests of young researchers and specialists in national, local, scientific, public and other organizations
  • To collaborate with organizations producing and implementing innovative technologies.
  • YRC organizes training sessions, workshops, conferences, meetings with recognized specialists in different research areas. We actively collaborate with Regional Young Researchers Council and such universities as Perm State University, Perm State Polytechnic University, Perm State Academy of Medicine.

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