
Health risk analysis – 2024, May 15-16

Dedicated to the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia

XIV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Health Risk Analysis – 2024” is going to be held in Perm on 15–16 May 2024. The Conference is going to be held at Ust-Kachka (AMAKS Hotels & Resorts chain), a famous resort in the Urals, located in pine forest on the Kama River.


  • Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing
  • Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies
  • Perm Regional Office of the Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing
  • Medical Science Division of Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Academician E.A. Vagner’s Perm State Medical University


  • Contemporary strategic and regional tasks in overcoming priority challenges and threats for human health.
  • Analysis of a sanitary-epidemiological situation: methodology, technologies for predicting and management (key digitalization technologies, information and analytical systems, big data, science intense data analysis etc.).
  • Medical and preventive health risk management technologies: up-to-date diagnostic techniques, methods for correcting and preventing diseases associated with leading hazard factors.
  • Control and surveillance as a state instrument for mitigating threats for human health: legal and methodical grounds, risk-based approach, assessment and compensation for losses.
  • Sanitary-epidemiological issues in regions: best practices of hygienic assessment and health risk analysis in tackling relevant tasks and implementing the National Projects "Ecology", "Demography", "Housing and urban environment", "Elimination of hazardous objects".
  • Health risks associated with biological hazards (communicable diseases, antimicrobial resistance etc.). Epidemiological health risks and modifying factors.
  • Fundamental research of negative influence on human health caused by negative environmental exposures by using cellular, sub-cellular and genetic diagnostics and mathematical modeling. Prospects of practical implementation.
  • Leading risk factors for children’s and adolescents’ health: assessment sand ways to mitigate them.
  • Scientific grounds and practice in assessing health risks caused by occupational or work-related diseases.
  • Providing good quality and safety of food products as per health risk indicators.
  • A contest of works accomplished by young scientists.


  • holding plenary and breakout sessions, round tables, panel discussions;
  • poster presentations;
  • a round-table discussion Reference Center of SHM (social and hygienic monitoring);
  • holding a contest “the best work by a young scientist”.


  • participation with a report and publication;
  • participation with a publication (publications) without a report;
  • distant participation (a video-report, publication);
  • participation with a poster paper (at place/distantly);
  • participation without publication or a report.


You can download the files (in archives):

PDF icon Infoletter2.19 MB
PDF icon Conference materials (compilation)1.27 MB

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