In 2018 the FBSI “FSC for Medical and Preventive Public Health Risk Management Technologies» received two new patents:
Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2646564 "Method of Diagnostics of the Violation of Physical Development in Children Residing in the Conditions of Complex Low-Level Pollution of
Environment by Lead, Manganese, Nickel, Chromium And Cadmium". The results can be used for the tasks of establishing the harm to health, damage and other types of assessments associated with external exposure to metals in the environment.
The Center received the Certificate for metrological attestation of measurement technique “The Technique of Mass Concentration Measurements of Nitrate-ions in Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis Method”. The technique was
certified by the Center SERTIMET of Administrative Service Office of the Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences on April 2, 2018, No. 88-16207-030-RA.RU.310657-2018. The attestation confirms that the measurement
A newly published edition of Health Risk Analysis journal presents advanced scientific developments in health risk assessment and management. You will learn some new approaches to risk calculation of temperature waves’ effect on health, risk evaluation of exposure to phthalates entering into a body with milk, about the maternal exposure to radiation as a risk of birth defects in children. You will get acquainted with overview of the risk factors inducing senile cataract.
The program for clinical-functional and laboratory examination of preschool children, aimed at identifying the contingent of children with allergic disease nature was developed. The program comprises disease associated with exposure to high priority risk factors. The initiator of the program became the department of hygiene of children and youths of FBSI “FSC MPH RMT”. The researches assumes the identification of the hazard and risk
The child population, residing the areas exposed to the aluminum production enterprises, was observed by the specialists of the department of immunobiological methods of diagnosis of the FBSI “FSC MPH RMT” together with the
VIII Annual All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation «Actual Issues On Risk Assessment Aimed At Public Sanitary-Epidemiological Welfare Provision And Consumer Rights Protection» will be held in Perm on 16-18 May 2018.
The analysis of domestic and foreign regulatory framework in the context of the consideration of materials about introduction of amendments and additions to a number of technical regulations of the Customs Union has been conducted by the specialists of FBSI “FSC MPH RMT”. We have considered the regulations of content of benzpyrene and PCB in vegetable oils and fish; content of seafood toxins in shellfish and other standards in order to
The researches under the grant funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) (16-01-00126) “A Multiphase Flow in the Antroduodenal Portion of the Gastrointestinal Tract Taking Into Account the Evolution of
By the Order of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing of 23.01.2018 No 65-l/o the Doctor of Medical Science Vadim Borisovich Alekseev has been appointed to the post of the director of the FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”.
The work is currently under way of the project “Risk assessment and management of the socially determined health loss of economically active population of the Russian Federation” that has been awarded the grant of the President of the Russian Federation as a result of the competition of the year 2017.