
The Technique of Mass Concentration Measurements of Nitrate-ions in Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis Method has got metrological attestation

The Center received the Certificate for metrological attestation of measurement technique “The Technique of Mass Concentration Measurements of Nitrate-ions in Urine by Capillary Electrophoresis Method”. The technique was certified by the Center SERTIMET of Administrative Service Office of the Ural Department of Russian Academy of Sciences on April 2, 2018, No. 88-16207-030-RA.RU.310657-2018. The attestation confirms that the measurement technique complies with metrological requirements, correctness and accuracy of definitions. The technique can be used in biomedical research, scientific and practical researches to prove the harm to health associated with elevated concentrations of nitrates in drinking water.

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