This textbook presents the main approaches, concepts and theories which reflect the social aspects of human health. It focuses on the impact of social factors on human health at an individual and population levels and the attitude to human health. The textbook reveals the characteristics of public health as part of the social structure and of medicine as a social institution.

A poster entitled “Clinical and Morphological Specificities of Inflammatory Gastroduodenal Diseases in Children with Elevated Blood Levels of Toxic Chemicals”, presented at the 19th European Gastroenterology Week, 22-26.10.2011, was recognized as one of Top Posters and outfitted with a Rosette.

A monograph “Environmental Aspects of Health Disorders in Children Exposed to Environmnetal Chemical Factor”, by Nina V. Zaitseva and her co-authors Olga Yu. Ustinova and Alfiya I. Aminova, has been published.
The monograph summarizes findings of the research studies which have been carried out by the professionals of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.

On November 1, Prof. Bernard Prum, Vice-Rector in Charge of International Relations, the University of Evry Val d'Essonne, France, paid a fact-finding mission to the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.

A monograph “Indication and Assessment of Health Effects Caused by Environmental Chemical Exposure” by Gennady G. Onishchenko and his co-authors Nina V. Zaitseva and Marina A. Zemlyanova has been published. The monograph considers the environmental indication of health effects which are caused by environmental chemical exposure.

A monograph “Testing Human Bio-samples for Chemical Compounds and Elements”, by Gennady G. Onishchenko and his co-authors Nina V. Zaitseva and Tatyana S. Ulanova, has been published. In this monograph, the authors consider methodical approaches used in the development and application of techniques for determining chemical compounds and elements in human biosamples.