
Management reshuffling in FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”

By the Order of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing of 23.01.2018 No 65-l/o the Doctor of Medical Science Vadim Borisovich Alekseev has been appointed to the post of the director of the FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”.

The fellow of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Nina Vladimirovna Zaitseva has been appointed to the post of the scientific director of the FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies”.

N.V. Zaitseva has been directing the scientific organization since its foundation in 1995. Under her authority and her direct participation the Center conducts the researches on the negative effects’ formation patterns and the response of the critical organs and human systems being exposed to the external and professional factors. Diverse theoretical and applied works devoted to the study of the mechanisms and pathogenic features of toxic-kinetic and metabolic processes in a human body under conditions of model and full-scale exposures are conducted. The Center provides clinical observations over isolated and combined effects of a wide range of compounds: aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic amines, organochlorine compounds, heavy metals, etc. Within the framework of these directions, scientific and methodological foundations have been created and the research methods are being constantly improved that allow revealing early disruptions of the functions of the exposed organism, including children's. The medical preventive technologies for controlling external and professional risks are developed.

Doctor of Medical Science V.B. Alekseev has been working in the Centre since 2001. He is an apprentice of the science school by academic N.V. Zaitseva. The main research areas of V.B. Alekseev are the improvement of the scientific foundations of hygienic analysis for ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of a person. The particular attention is paid to the systemic assessment and forecasting of the parameters of the complex effect induced by the environmental factors on the indicators of the reproductive health of population; to the analysis of the mechanisms of the ecological determination of reproductive pathology polymorphism; to the development of methodological and informational-analytic provision of the researches uncovering the risk of reproductive pathology in exposed groups of population, including the professional groups.

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