A monograph entitled “Assessment of Health Risk and Damage Caused by the Impact of Environmental Chemical Factors” written by Dr Svetlana V. Kleyn, PhD, and edited by Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, and Professor Irina V. May, PhD, DSc, has been published.
The monograph is intended for professionals in public health and epidemiology, preventive medicine, environmental health, customer protection and professional development of medical specialists and teaching medical students.
On May 17, 2012, I.E. Shtina, a Pediatrician of the Children Inpatient Department of the Environmental and Occupational Pathology Clinic, successfully defended her PhD dissertation.
The title of the dissertation is "Features of the Development and Course of Chronic Non-Obstructive Pyelonephritis in Children Living under Various Environmental Conditions, the Improvement of Its Treatment and Prevention".
The dissertation supervisors were Professor M.N. Repetskaya, PhD, DSc, and Professor M.A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc.
Mark R. Prauznitsa, Professor of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), is giving a series of lectures as part of the international project "Micro-needle Technologies – The Future of Diagnostics".
May 16, 10 am – The All-Russian Research to Practice Conference “Basic and Applied Aspects of Human Health Risk Analysis” for young researchers of the Federal Service on Customer Protection and Human Well-being, has been opened.
The team of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies would like to congratulate the medical staff of child and adult inpatient and outpatient departments on the occasion of the International Nurses Day!
On behalf of the Federal Scientific Center team we would like to congratulate the Center of Occupational Medicine and Pathology and all the specialists in occupational pathology on the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
We wish you a successful execution of the health recovery program for the working population, breakthrough technologies, amazing discoveries and new personal and professional achievements.
The Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies conducts research on healthy lifestyle issues. In 2011, the Center professionals developed a strategy for the institution of the Federal Service on Customer Protection and Human Well-being in promoting healthy lifestyle.
Moreover, a series of empirical sociological studies were performed as part of pilot research, using a questionnaire survey. They resulted in
6 April 2012 – On the eve of World Health Day, a sporting event was organized for younger patients of the Children’s Inpatient Department at the Environmental and Occupational Pathology Clinic of the Federal Center.
The team of the Federal Scientific Center has been awarded a grant in the Regional Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation Completion 2012. The title of the project is “Socially Determined Health Risks in a Large Industrial City”. Project Director is Center Director Nina V. Zaitseva, Ph.D., D.Sc., Fellow of the RAMS. The project number is 12-16-59016а/У.
The Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies is hosting the 3rd International Conference on Basic and Applied Aspects of Health Risk Analysis in Perm, Russia on 16 – 18 May 2012. The Conference will bring together young researchers and specialists of the Federal Service on Customers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance and their foreign colleagues .