
Participation in the International Conference “Food Safety and Risk Analysis”, May 18-19, 2017, Sochi

“Food Safety and Risk Analysis” International Conference was held on May 18-19, 2017 in Sochi. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Rospotrebnadzor, the Russian Federal Agency for Wellbeing, Consumer Rights and Consumer Protection were jointly organizing this meeting as well as with the support of the Russian Government

As experts the representatives of the FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies gave the reports:
- Fellow of RAS, DSc., professor N.V. Zaitseva with the report "Analysis of health risk in the Russian Federation associated with food contamination";
- DSc., professor I.V. May with the report "Strategy and tactics in shaping the effective risk-communications in the field of food safety";
- DSc., P.Z. Shur with the report "Health risk assessment when justifying hygienic criteria for food safety".

This international meeting brought together more than 227 delegates representing sectoral governmental agencies, specialized international organizations, the private sector, consumers’ associations and the scientific community. The representatives from 23 countries exchanged the experience and knowledge within two days, as well as discussed the new trends in the field of food safety, risk assessment, information delivery about risks, antimicrobial agent resistance

The conference contributed into the efforts made by the world community in the framework of the United Nations Decade for Action in Nutrition and also became an example of the practical implementation of the tasks on food safety, included in the decisions of the Second International Conference on Nutrition and indicated as sustainable goals for the development.

Within the conference during plenary and parallel sessions the expert used to discuss the priority issues such as: antimicrobial agent resistance, harmonization of food safety standards; conducting the researches in the field of risk assessment, risk management and risk-communication; countering the falsification of food products in connection with the development of cross-border and digital trade; impact of the world economy globalization on protecting the life and health of the population.

Close cooperation of representatives of sectorial governmental agencies, specialized international organizations, the private sector, consumers’ associations and the scientific community allowed them to formulate fresh and innovative ideas aimed to improve approaches and develop the policies in the field of healthy and safe nutrition and to assess the risk of food safety.

The participants of the event highly appreciated the organization of the Conference, the high informative content of the presentations and discussions. The Russia's leading role in the region in cooperation with FAO for provision the population with quality and safe food was also highlighted.

Information about the conference on web-site of Rospotrebnadzor

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