Ph.D. thesis defense by K.V. Chetverkina
On December 17, 2019, Kristina Vladimirovna Chetverkina has successfully defended the thesis for scientific degree of candidate of medical Sciences in 14.02.01 - Hygiene (Medical Sciences) specialty at the at the Thesis Council Meeting, D 999.128.02 at the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.
The theme of work – ‘Hygienic assessment of danger and risk of development of the priority non-infection diseases of the population related to pollution environment (on the example of Perm region)’.
Research advisor: Dr P.Z. Shur, scientific secretary of Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.
The stuff of Centre sincerely congratulates Kristina Vladimirovna and Pavel Zalmanovich with the successful defense of the Ph.D. thesis and wish further scientific victories!