Participation in the 5th International Online Medical Conference IOMC 2012
March, 3 the employees of of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies will participate in the 5th International Online Medical Conference «5th International Online Medical Conference (IOMC 2012)
Two reports will be presented:
- «Renal Doppler Diagnostics in Lead-, Nickel- and Manganese-Exposed Children», Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Olga Yu. Ustinova, PhD, DSc, Dr Olda V. Vozgoment, PhD, Dr Alfiya I. Aminova, PhD, DSc, Dr Alevtina A. Akatova, PhD, DSc, Perlova Yu., Shtina i.E.
- «Cerebral Blood Circulation Diagnostics in Children Exposed to Industrial Toxicants», Professor Nina V. Zaitseva, PhD, DSc, Professor Olga Yu. Ustinova, PhD, DSc, Dr Alfiya I. Aminova, PhD, DSc, Diner V.
p>Speeches will go to live for all participants throughout the world. </ p>
p> IOMC - one of the most innovative medical conferences, in which health care experts from around the world are traditionally involved, they are: scientists, researchers, health workers, as well as students and teachers. All papers presented at the conference shall be entered in databases of the main scientific online libraries - Scopus, EMBASE, ProQuest, EBSCO, DOAJ, GALE, Google Scholar, Academic OneFile, IndexCopernicus, etc.</ p>