The Best Scientific Project Award Received at the Perm Region Contest
“Microneedle Technologies are the Future of Diagnostics”, a project of an international research group supervised by Professor Marina A. Zemlyanova, PhD, DSc, Head of Biochemistry and Cytogenetics Department, Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, and Mark R. Prausnitz, PhD, Professor in Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, has received the Best Scientific Project Award in the Perm Region.
The four-year project is devoted to the development of a microneedle technology for low-invasive, safe and low-cost collection of interstitial fluid samples for the diagnostics of diseases and the monitoring of metabolic processes.
The team of PhD and master students under the supervision of the Professors is acquiring knowledge, skills and experience of completing joint international projects so that they develop a new way of thinking.