Fundamental and applied aspects of Health Risks Analysis – 2022, October 10-14
All-russian scientific and practical online conference for young scientists and Rospotrebnadzor experts with international participation “Fundamental and applied aspects of Health Risks Analysis” – 2022 is to be held on October 10-14, 2022
The Conference is organized in accordance with the program of the major organizational events held by the Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing for 2022 and the Order by the Head of the Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing issued on July 07, 2022 No. 389v.
Hosts of the Conference
- The Federal Service for Surveillance Over Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing
- The Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies
Scientific scope
- Development of scientific, methodical and legal aspects of health risk assessment, prediction and management. Development of approaches to finding evidence of health harm associated with environmental factors
- Regional experience in health risk assessment within the social-hygienic monitoring and sanitary-epidemiological surveillance. The best available practices for health risk assessment within the “Ecology”, “Housing and urban environment” and “Elimination of hazardous objects” National projects.
- Assessing safety and quality of food distributed in the Russian Federation. Experience of participating in the “Demography” National project
- Up-to-date techniques for diagnostics, correction and prevention of heath disorders associated with environmental factors. New knowledge and approaches to estimating COVID-19 and solutions to the problem
- Contemporary aspects of occupational medicine. Assessment of occupational health risks.
- Use of information technologies and mathematical modelling in hygienic and epidemiological studies
How to take part in the Conference
To take part in the Conference, it is necessary:
- To have an account on the website since this is necessary for viewing the accepted materials and giving comments on them on the site.
- For those participating with a report, please submit it to the following e-mail: forum
- To fill in the registration card (Appendix No.1). The card is to be filled in electronically and saved as Microsoft Word (*.doc) file; any scans, including those filled in by hand, are not accepted.
- Articles that are designed in accordance with the requirements to the published materials (Appendix No.2) are to be submitted strictly not later than September 10, 2022.
- Additionally, video-reports (.mp4, .avi) and presentations (.ppt, .pptx или .pdf) can be submitted to the Organization Committee also strictly not later than September 10, 2022.
New participants who do not have an account on the website should get registered; after the registration, all the instructions on further actions will be sent individually to each newly registered participant to his or her e-mail address.
If you already have an account and would like to participate in the forum, you do not have to register anew. You can simply login your existing account and put a tick – “Conference participant” in your profile (In the section: My account – Edit), and you will be added to the list of the Conference participants.
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