Ph.D. thesis defense by A.S. Sboev
The successful Ph.D. thesis defense was conducted on December 17, 2019, for degree of candidate of medical Sciences in the 14.02.11. Hygiene (Medical Sciences) specialty by Aleksandr Sergeevich Sboev.
The theme of work – ‘Analysis of the Effectiveness of Risk-Based Model of Control and Supervision Activities in the Sphere of Centralized Drinking Water Supply for the Population of the Russian Federation’. The thesis was defended at the Thesis Council Meeting D 999.128.02 at the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.
Research advisor: N.V. Zaitseva – academician of the Russian Academy of Science, doctor of medical sciences, professor, scientific director of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.
We sincerely congratulate Aleksandr Sergeevich with the successful defense of the Ph.D. thesis and wish him further creative success!