Health risk analysis – 2020, May 13-15
Together with RISE-2020 meeting on environment and health and International meeting on food safety
Dear colleagues,
In 2020 due to COVID-19 pandemic conference will be held as web forum.
We are glad to invite you to attend Health Risk Analysis -2020 as a speaker with video report if it is possible or presentation.
The conference is held within the schedule of the Russian Federal Service for Surveillance over Consumer Rights Protection and human Well-being and according to the order dated 19.03.2020 № 172.
Dates: May 13-20, 2020
Web-site of the conference:
Papers, submitted to Health Risk Analysis conference - 2020.
Health Risk Analysis – 2020 covers a wide range of topics related to risk analysis and prevention of noncommunicable diseases (circulatory system diseases, neoplasms, brain dysfunctions) when exposed to environmental factors, lifestyle, educational and production processes, including:
Fundamental, scientific, methodological and organizational issues of assessing, forecasting and managing public health risks. Risk analysis and prevention of priority noncommunicable diseases (diseases of the circulatory system, neoplasms, impaired brain functions, etc.), including the working population, children and adolescents. Development of the regulatory framework to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Best practices for the implementation of the national projects "Ecology" and "Demography" (federal projects "Clean Air", "Clean Water", "Improving Public Health"), in terms of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population. Experience in the practical application of assessment, forecasting and risk management for public health in the regions. Scientific, informational, analytical and methodological support of a risk-based model of control and surveillance activities in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Improving the state system of socio-hygienic monitoring. Information and analytical support of the social hygienic monitoring system. Assessment and compensation of harm to human health caused as a result of violation of mandatory requirements of sanitary legislation. Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of activities in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population.
We plan to print the Special Issue of the Health Risk Analysis journal with the conference papers. The following sessions will be organized on the website of conference:
- Session of plenary presentation reports, which will present video reports of key speakers (.mp4) and presentations (.pdf) in accordance with discussion lines, including the International meeting “RISE-2020” on environment and health and International meeting on food safety;
- Session of electronic poster presentations (.pdf);
- Session "Competition of scientific works of young scientists" (.pdf).
Discussion of reports will take place in the form of questions and answers using the conference website or other communication tools. The rules and program of the conference will be posted on the conference website and send to you by e-mail.
- Scientific program - Dr Konstantin Luzhetsky, Deputy Director for organizational and methodological work
+7 (342) 237-25-34,
- Technical coordination - Mrs Svetlana Morozova, Head of the PR and international relations subdivision
+7 (342) 237-25-34,