Implementation of the roadmap of the program of Russian-Vietnamese program of scientific research on food testing methods. The visit of researchers of the National Institute of Food Control (Hanoi, Vietnam) to Perm
In the framework of the Government of the Russian Federation order implementation, dated of 19.08.2017 No. 1789-p on the provision of scientific, methodological, material and technical support to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to counter the threats of infectious diseases and the risks associated with hazardous chemicals from December 17 to 22, 2018 researchers from the National Institute for Food Control (Hanoi, SRV) visited Dr. Tran Cao Son and Mr. Bui Cao Tien to the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies (Perm, RF). During the visit according to the road map and together research work "Quantification of N- nitrosamines in products for baby nutrition using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry" a training workshop "Sample preparation for quantitative determination of nitrosamines" was held. The automated solid phase extraction system Sepath, which is used for baby porridge and meat puree samples preparation for GC MS analysis of nitrosamine content have been demonstrated. The partners discussed the received data.
The roadmap for the 2019 includes further comparative analysis of the data received in the laboratories at the FBSI “Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies” and at the National Institute for Food Control and food born health risk assessment.