
Center’s director Nina V. Zaitseva took part in the Fifth meeting of the heads of the governmental bodies of SCO member states, responsible for ensuring sanitary and epidemiology well-being

The Director of FBSI "FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies" N.V. Zaitseva as a member of the Russian delegation took part in the Fifth Meeting of the Heads of Governmental Bodies of the SCO Member States, responsible for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, which was hold in October 31, 2017 in Sochi.

The Fifth Meeting of the Heads of Governmental Bodies of the SCO Member States, responsible for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being, was dedicated to global risks of biological safety and infectious diseases’ prevention in SCO member states. All meetings of the heads of the governmental bodies of SCO member states, responsible for sanitary and epidemiology welfare were initiated by the Russian side. The First meeting was hold in 2008. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s member states are China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, and begging from the 9th of June 2017 India and Pakistan became the SCO full-fledged members.

The problem of fighting with infection diseases remains relevant in the SCO space in connection with the growing regional and global integration processes, trade liberalization, and the growth of cross-border movement of people. The SCO member states solve the tasks of eliminating measles, maintaining of any success achieved in the fighting against poliomyelitis, countering the spread of viral hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, monitoring highly pathogenic influenza with pandemic potential. In conditions of an interrelated and interdependent world, all this continues to pose the risk to public health in SCO countries, forming the risks to sanitary and epidemiological well-being and biological security of the region.

During the second plenary meeting, devoted to SCO member states’ cooperation in implementation of the International health regulations and responses to outbreaks of infectious diseases with pandemic potential, the report was made by the Director of FBSI "FSC for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies" Nina V. Zaitseva. The topic of the report was "Modern methods for public health risk assessment". In the result of the meeting, the Final Statement of the Fifth Meeting of the Heads of Governmental Bodies of the SCO Member States, responsible for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being was unanimously adopted, which can be found here.

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