
Dissertation defended by E.E. Andreeva

n September 21, 2017, Andreeva Elena Evgenjevna successfully defended her PhD dissertation (specialty 14.02.01 - “Hygiene”) for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences at the meeting of the Dissertation Council D 208.086.02 at the “St. Petersburg I. I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy” of the Russian Ministry of Health.

The dissertation on the topic “Scientific and methodological principles for provision of the sanitary-epidemiological well-being of the population in megalopolis on the basis of the risk-based supervision model” was conducted on the basis of the Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies.

The dissertation supervisors were: Onischenko Gennadiy Grigorjevich, fellow of RAS, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Zaitseva Nina Vladimirovna, fellow of RAS, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor.

The Center’s team wishes to express its cordial congratulations to the researcher on this important event and wishes further success!

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