The first issue of "Health Risk Analysis" journal has been published in 2015
The first issue of "Health Risk Analysis" journal of 2015 has been published. The issue comprises the articles devoted to the most important aspects in organization of the risk-based supervision in the Russian Federation, scientific and methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of the health loss of disabled people, practice of risk assessment of different nature. One year after the accident at the nuclear power plant "Fukushima-1" the chronicle of the dramatic events at the Japanese nuclear power plant is considered.
The full texts of the articles in open access are located on the journal web-site. You can subscribe to the journal in the journal editorship. Applications with the details of the organization are accepted by e-mail: Subscription price for one year in the editorship is 1888 rubles, for 6 months - 944 rubles.
Following the results of 2013-2014, the two-year RSCI impact factor of the journal "Health Risk analysis" made 1,025, excluding self-citation - 0.700. On the 30th of March 2015 the journal took the 133d place out of 468, due to the rating of SCIENCE INDEX under the heading "Health care", having got ahead many authoritative publications.