
A Victory in the Contest for Ongoing Projects of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation

By the resolution of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation (RHSF) board as of 01.02.2013, the project entitled "Socially Determined Human Health Risks in an Industrialized City" (the principal investigator is N.V. Zaitseva) will continue to be supported financially in 2013. The minutes of the meeting of the RHSF board are available on the home page. The objective of the project is to give a comprehensive characterization of socially determined human health risks in an industrial city at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels. The project implies determining socially determined health risks, the identification and analysis of the mechanisms of their development, the development and validation of risk assessment methods in a case study of the city of Perm as a typical industrialized city, a study and a description of the mechanism of socially determined human health risk management at the regional level.

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