
The second number of “Health riskanalysis” journal was issued for 2016

The second number of “Health risk analysis” journal was issued for 2016. The journal is almost completely devoted to the issues of healthy lifestyle and risks that are formed due to the use of alcoholic beverages, smoking and low physical activity of certain groups of citizens.

The specialists in the field of hygiene in children and adolescents are addressed with material on the risks associated with the work of pupils in secondary schools andstudents of colleges in their study-free time. The set out scientific and methodological approaches to the assessment of risk associated with the lifestyle factors and materials that reflect the health and demographic losses directly associated with the factors of the lifestylerisk, primarily with the problem of “alcohol–related” mortality, are of interest.

The materials devoted to the historical analysis of the concept of health riskwill be interesting to a wide range of specialists.

The series of publications on the risk-based sanitary and epidemiological surveillance is proposed.

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