
Situation Modeling and Expert and Analytical Management Techniques Laboratory

Issues, connected with data analysis-related methodical support of the research:

  • Developing and implementing methods for the Center’s database information analysis by patients and directional sampling,
  • Developing methods for assessing the dynamics, structure and prevalence of health indicators and risk factors,
  • Modeling processes which arise in certain socio-economic systems and which influence population health,
  • Modeling processes of the interaction between risk factors and indicators, characterizing individual health status,
  • Developing a system of criteria, characterizing individual and population health status,
  • Defining and solving problems of research subject classification according to various criteria, characterizing population health status,
  • Defining and solving problems of individual and population health management, and
  • Developing and implementing methods and algorithms for forecasting processes which arise in socio-economic systems.

Moreover, among the priority directions is the development of a mathematical model, which allows us to describe and forecast the evolution of functional disorders in the human body under the impact of environmental factors.

We use the following software:

  • Statistica Advanced 9.0
  • Statistica Automated Neural Networks 9.0
  • PASW Statistics 18.0
  • MS Excel 7.0

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