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Профилактические меры по снижению вредного воздействия электромагнитного излучения на здоровье

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Ключевые слова: 
электромагнитное излучение, ЭМП, нормы безопасности, тепловые воздействия, биологические эффекты, электрогиперчувствительность, ООС, заболевание, вызванное микроволновым облучением
Комментарии - 8

Добрый день!
Спасибо за интересный доклад. Вопрос воздействия ЭМИ на здоровье человека в условиях осовремененных темпов развития является крайне важным. Темпы развития интеллектуальных систем и всеобщая цифровая трансформация ставят воздействие ЭМИ на третье место после химического и шумового загрязнения. Профилактические мероприятия по ограничению влияния ЭМИ на население тесно связаны с экономическим развитием территорий, что требует поиска компромисса между развитием и обеспечением безопасности для здоровья.
В Вашем докладе наглядно представлены основные механизмы воздействия ЭМИ на отдельные органы и системы, дополненные рекомендациями об основных профилактических мероприятиях, направленных профилактику воздействия ЭМИ на организм человека. Однако хотелось бы понимать где та грань, за пределами которой возникают нарушения здоровья. В качестве инструмента для определения безопасной дозы может быть использована методология оценки риска. Так, например, в Российской Федерации действуют методические рекомендации MP «Оценка риска для здоровья населения при воздействии переменных электромагнитных полей (до 300 ГГЦ) в условиях населенных мест».
В связи с этим возник вопрос: проводились ли Вами или Вашими коллегами расчеты ожидаемых уровней риска, возникающих под воздействием ЭМИ? Если проводились, то по каким методикам и для каких сценариев воздействия?
Еще раз спасибо за интересный доклад.

Здравствуйте! Доклад действительно актуальный, подчеркивает важность исследования влияния ЭМИ на здоровье человека. Мы не дооцениваем влияние ЭМИ по сравнению с другими факторами среды обитания. Присоединяюсь к поставленным выше вопросам.

Dear Professor Koshurnikov,

Thank you for your comment. It is indeed a difficult topic to apply in practical use since there are so many sources of exposure.

I was unable to access the Russian Federation Guidelines on the internet, but I know that the Russian Guidelines are lower than many of the other international guidelines (more protective).

My colleagues and I at the hospital have not performed formal calculations of this risk, we deal with the Medical physical symptoms of patients and we are not knowledgeable enough on the technical engineering calculations such as these
- I must say that there are many physicians at the hospital who still do not "believe" that exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields poses any risk at all - in that, the Russian Federation is more advanced than Israel.

My teacher in Occupational Medicine/Public Health used to say that EMF is a Toxin that "has no low threshold level for safety" - at any level there is someone with higher sensitivity who might develop some symptoms, or that for this person the EMF exposure will be the Last Straw (together with other stronger carcinogenic exposures) that will push that person to get cancer.
In my research clinic I have seen Electrohypersensitive patients who have a mild physical response to RF/MW exposure levels as low as 0.001 microWatt/cmSq. And if this is a long-term exposure then mild physical responses will worsen over time.

My colleagues at ICEMS (http://www.icems.eu/) are indeed involved in such issues of calculation and they say that it is not only about a Number (exposure level) but there are many factors involved - the modulation of the waves, how much each antenna is allowed to emit per site, and many other factors.
My colleagues at ICEMS are currently involved in writing a new Monograph that summarizes evidence of harm and proposes better safety recommendations than those in use in many countries today (Russian Guidelines are better than most).

If you are interested to be in touch with my engineer/physicist colleagues for further discussion I will be happy to introduce you to them.

Dear Professor Viktorovna,

Thank you for your comment. As you can see from the detailed answer I wrote to the previous comment by Professor Koshurnikov, I am aware that in the Russian Federation the situation regarding safety precautions against EMF exposure are better than in most other places around the world. The Russian scientists have deep knowledge of the health effects of EMF, and this goes back since the 1960s or even before. I have learned a lot from reading Russian materials about these topics.


I do not know what the correct answer is regarding the best safety levels - but I do know two things:

  1. That personal reduction of unnecessary use will reduce exposure and harm whatever the allowed levels - use more wired and less wireless (including utility meters outside homes), use "streaming" on telephone only if absolutely necessary, do not use the wireless devices in places that are surrounded by metal, turn everything OFF when you go to sleep - these are the best protective measures

  2. That if some countries have reduced safety levels (more protection) then that means this is possible technically - perhaps it is not very profitable for the companies involved, but it is possible.


I believe that the effort to prevent harm should be in three directions at the same time:

a. Educating the public not to be addicted to wireless and electronic devices because there can be harm in over-use, and especially reducing use and exposure in children and schools

b. Encouraging technology companies to produce safer and less harmful technology

and c. Reducing exposure allowed levels as much as possible in the public realm - but this is not the only thing to be done.

Dear Professor Stein!
Thank you for such a detailed answer. It is very pleasant to hear words of admiration for the methodological base operating in Russia. However, the existing regulatory and methodological framework in Russia requires constant improvement and harmonization.
Thanks again for participating in the conference and a good report.

Dear Professor Stein!
Thank you for a detailed research and for drawing attention to such an urgent problem!

Уважаемый Яэль Штейн! Большое спасибо за интересное сообщение. Имеются ли у Вас наблюдения о последствиях воздействия ЭМИ у детей различных социальных групп?

Dear Prof. Ustinova,

First of all, regarding the exposure itself in various social groups

In my opinion there is a problem of wireless exposure for children in all groups of society because parents bring the radiating devices inside the homes (like "Smart Homes") and irradiate the children without knowing that they are causing the damage. And they do not limit the use of wireless devices by children, and allow use of cellphones before bedtime - which will inevitably cause lower quality of sleep.
In some ways, children who live in poor neighborhoods will suffer more - because if you have 30 neighbors in one building that means today that you are exposed to 30 Wi Fi networks - and 99% of the people will not turn them OFF at night. So families who live in more secluded or private homes will have less exposure from neighbors.


Regarding exposure from antennas emitting RF radiation in high intensity that cannot be turned off - obviously the rich will not allow these to be near their homes - as in the USA in Palm Beach California where Bill Gates and Donal Trump live - there is a law that 5G communications are not allowed - as with every harmful and toxic exposure the rich always take care of themselves and make sure that the poor are exposed...


Regarding exposure to low frequencies ELF - electricity - this is a problem all over society because Hybrid cars with batteries under the back seat are harmful to pregnant women and to children, and many rich people have such vehicles. Busses or trains that have electricity ports for charging cellphones are a problem - this is inside a metallic cage and the radiation cannot exit the bus, or train - and these public transport also have Wi Fi and hundreds of people are inside with their cellphones - it is a very large source of harmful exposure. Big transformers of electricity will probably be situated next to poor people's homes... the rich will not enale this exposure.


Regarding the consequence of exposure in various social groups:

  1. As in all harmful exposures - good nutrition and healthy lifestyles will be more protective for the individual to prevent him/her from getting cancer (multifactorial) - so children who live in homes with good nutrition, healthy lifestyle, sports etc will get less sick than those who eat unhealthy food, have much stress from economic problems and unhappy parents

  2. If someone already gets cancer from mixed exposures - the medical treatment is available for all - but of course the rich can afford better care

  3. Regarding prevention - since most people are ignorant about the health problems of EMF and therefore are less interested in preventing EMF exposures I don't know if there is a difference between social groups - for example the son of American President Biden died from brain cancer - had this anything to do with EMF? Maybe so, but nobody in high places in the Western world is bothering to look at these data.

Again I must say that in my professional opinion the Russian Federation is MUCH more advanced than the West in understanding EMF and its health risks. May we all learn from you.

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