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Естественные токсины и нейродегенеративные заболевания человека

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Считается, что неизвестные факторы окружающей среды вносят свой вклад в этиологию спорадических форм бокового амиотрофического склероза (БАС). Убедительные доказательства, подтверждающие эту точку зрения, можно найти в послевоенном снижении и исчезновении высокого уровня заболеваемости БАС среди населений трех стран западной части Тихого Океана, которые ранее использовали нейротоксичные семена саговника в качестве традиционного источника пищи и/или лекарств. Основные токсины в саговнике (циказин) и грибах строчка обыкновенного (гиромитрин) генерируют метильные свободные радикалы, которые повреждают ДНК и вызывают мутацию и неконтролируемое деление циклических клеток, и дегенерацию конечных/постмитотических нейронов. Поскольку в Финляндии, России, Испании и США строчки обыкновенные добывают в пищу, в Западной Европе и США проводятся исследования, чтобы определить, связана ли эта практика со спорадичным БАС.

Ключевые слова: 
боковой амиотрофический склероз, семя саговника, циказин, гиромитрин, повреждение ДНК, Гуам, Финляндия, Россия, США
Комментарии - 8

Dear Prof.. Spenсer! Thank you for your interesting report! This is an importan problem among diseases of nervous sistem. My questions:at what very early age can there be clinical manifestation of lateral amniosklerosis? Can there be children?

Дорогой Питер! Очень внимательно читаю Ваши публикации, спасибо Вам за участие в нашей конференции и предоставление глубокого научного анализа проблемы развития нейродегенеративных заболеваний в связи с употреблением естественных нейротоксинов. По известным обстоятельствам, не состоялась наша очная встреча в Перми, но в этой новой форме общения есть свои преимущества. Очень надеюсь на продолжение наших научных контактов С наилучшими пожеланиями, Н.Зайцева.

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your question regarding age of onset of ALS.

Juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (genetic origin?) is a rare motor neuron disease characterized by progressive degeneration of upper and lower motor neurons. Motor neurons are nerve cells that control voluntary muscle activity. Symptoms of JALS typically begin before age 25, but often in early childhood. https://rarediseases.info.nih.gov/diseases/11901/juvenile-amyotrophic-la....

Western Pacific ALS (environmental origin) Risk for ALS in later life could be acquired by childhood residency in Kozagawa through age 5 years.

The research question is whether consumption of False Morel mushrooms at a young age, with or without acute illness, can trigger ALS later in life, as described in reference #8 of this article.

Dear Nina,

Many congratulations for your leadership of this important conference. I look forward to our continued scientific contact.

Please let me know of any Russian investigator who would be interested in a research collaboration relevant to the question I raised in my paper regarding links between False Morel ingestion and ALS.

Please keep well. My best to you and your colleagues,

Thank you dear Рrofessor Spencer! Very interesting information for me.
My best to you and your colleagues,


Dear Professor Spencer! It is always interesting to read about the relationship between food consumption and the formation of non-infectious human diseases, which at first glance are not etiological to food. It provides new directions for thought. Professor Spencer, can you tell how dangerous amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is for life? Does lateral amitrophic sclerosis affect at a person’s lifespan?

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your question.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has both genetic (fALS: perhaps 10% of all cases) and environmental etiologies (sALS: perhaps 90%) with or without genetic susceptibilities. Western Pacific ALS, which is associated with exposure to a potent environmental genotoxin is a form of environmental sALS. A related genotoxin is present in False Morel poisonous wild mushrooms (Gyromitra spp) that some people collect and use for food. This was the subject of the paper I presented.

Both fALS and sALS are thought to have a very long "incubation" period during which motor nerve cells are slowing dying. In the case of sALS, this means that years or decades may intervene between exposure to the causal agent and development of clinical signs of ALS. At this time, there has been a severe loss of motor nerve cells in the frontal cortex and anterior horn of the spinal cord. This nerve cell loss is progressive, which leads to limb weakness, difficulty swallowing and eventually, difficulty breathing. There is no effective treatment. Death usually occurs 3-5 years after clinical diagnosis.

I hope this answers your questions.

Kind regards,

Peter Spencer

Thank you very much Professor Spencer! I wish you good luck in your future research works!
Best regards!

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