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Место внешнесредовых рисков здоровью в глобальных вызовах: перспективы медицины

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Комментарии - 6

Глубокоуважаемый мистер Рейс, глубокоуважаемая Нина Владимировна! Масштабный, практически глобальный взгляд на проблемы - это именно то, что нужно сегодня (да и всегда) для понимания сложных тенденций развития медико-демографических процессов. Вопрос: какими путями эксперты, специалисты могут повысить понимание и восприятие бизнесом и гражданским обществом тех научно обоснованных прогнозов и предупреждений, которые пока часто игнорируются
Dear Mr. Reis, dear Nina Vladimirovna. A large-scale, almost global view of the problems is exactly what is needed to understand the complex trends in medical and demographic processes. Question: in what ways are experts and specialists able to increase the understanding and perception by business and civil society of scientifically based forecasts and warnings that are so far ignored

Dear Prof May, Thank you for your comment and question. As member of the medico-scientific community our moral obligation is to inform the civil society about the risks and challenges. In the same time, to advocate our positions with decision-makers in the economic and political area, is mandatory. As you saw, I tried to analyze the positions of some institutions. I think that these people would be interest to exchange about these topics with an open mind. Even the political staffs will probably be interested. When we see how difficult it is to manage the pandemic, a better preparedness, would be appreciated. Next year, Nina should organize a session with Russian decision-makers on this topic. Best regards, Jacques

Уважаемый проф. Райс! В Вашем докладе освещается крайне актуальная проблема – влияние восприятия рисков различными сообществами на принятие решений по управления ими. Восприятие рисков внутри каждого сообщества зависит от того, какие угрозы представляют риски для его ключевых ценностей. Так, например, если озабоченность состоянием здоровья достаточно высока для населения, то экономические последствия реализации рисков могут быть более актуальны для бизнес-сообщества. Риски многолики и каждый их видит по-разному. В этой связи нельзя не согласиться с выводом о необходимости учета различных позиций для выработки совместного подхода к решению проблем.
Dear Prof. Reis! Your report highlights an extremely relevant issue – the impact of risk perception by different communities on decision-making on risk management. The perception of risks within each community depends on what threats pose risks to its core values. For example, if health concerns are high important for the population, the economic consequences of implementing risks may be more relevant for the business community. Risks are many and everyone sees them differently. In this regard, we cannot disagree with the conclusion that it is necessary to take into account different positions in order to develop a joint approach to solving problems.

Dear Prof Shur, thank you to agree that risk perception is one of the keys in the risk analysis. This may lead to interesting studies which could be done in different areas in Russia and targeting different types of the population and of course organizations. Of course, the decision-making process to solve concerns must take into account these differences. Another topic for next year. Best regards, Jacques

Dear Prof. Reis! The theme of searching the cross-point between public, expert and governmental risk perception is totally actual all around the world. Thank you for your presentation. Are there any successful practices in Europe when the public opinion over-persuaded the local authorities or even government in environment-related issues? Another important question — what are the most effective ways (instruments) that civil society can use? For example, are the petition websites (such as Change.org) a proper way for public influence?
Thank you
Уважаемый профессор Рейс, проблема нахождения точек соприкосновения между общественным, экспертным и властным восприятием риска крайне актуальна во всем мире. Спасибо вам за презентацию. Есть ли какие-то примеры успешного воздействия общественного мнения на местную или региональную власть? Еще один вопрос - каковы наиболее эффективные, на ваш взгляд, инструменты воздействия на лиц принимающих решения? Например, как вы оцениваете создание петиций в защиту окружающей среды на специализированных сайтах (типа Change.org)?

Dear Prof Lebedeva-Nessevrya, Thank for your pertinent questions. Our position in this debate is clear; we are members of the medico-scientific community and should act as experts, guided by one major issue Humanity. Therefore, considering that all Humans and organisations have the same aim, protecting and improving Life on Earth, I tried to understand how decisions are taken by the policy-makers. Communication is one of the keys: how should we communicate with the citizen; how can we influence the final decision-makers? I understood that the public opinions have dramatically changed in Europe and you see, how the citizen express their opinions. Often, there is only an active minority in the streets but you have also seen that the polling and votes have changed. I have no legitimacy to address the citizen' behaviors and methods, as I am not a sociologist. J.REIS

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